Breathtaking Poverty Amidst Breathtaking Beauty

Equatorial Uganda is called “the pearl of Africa” because of the abundant biodiversity (including the famed silverback gorillas), color, profusion, brilliant life and its serene beauty. Yet Uganda is also a country of extreme poverty. An entire generation has been lost to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, malaria and civil war. The World Health Organization estimates 2.2 million children have been orphaned.​

The mountainous Kabale district of Uganda is breath-takingly beautiful, but its poverty will also take your breath away. While the world has responded to the children of the larger westernized cities, little help has traveled to the peasant orphans of the more primitive farming areas “deep in the villages.” Agriculture employs more than 80% of Ugandans, yet subsistence farmers see little income from their labors, even in the best of times. Drought and deluge stalk them with constant threat of lost crops, the source of their income and much of their food supply.​

This is where we have been called to love and serve.​