JUNE, 2024

MCM Newsletter

“Big Holy Audacious Goal!”

Dearest Friends & Family,

Being called an “optimist” all my life it will not surprise you one of my favorite verses is Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory…” 

God has been blessing MCM through your generosity with our Boda-Taxi self-sustainability program since February 2022. After the above photo was taken in April, we added three more bodas making our total 15 motorbikes and 2 taxi cars. We believe someday this ministry will be largely self-sustaining in the hands of our gifted Ugandan partners, blessing their orphaned children of Kabale by the grace of God.

We have the goal of owning enough bodas and taxis to generate the income required to put 100 local children in Primary School, PLUS pay the salary of MCM administration AND purchase more motorbikes and cars as the current fleet requires replacements. At this writing the Bodas support 165 children in school without administrative salary or vehicle replacement savings. 

I have heard this called a “BHAG” = A “Big Holy Audacious Goal!” It is particularly close to my heart because although I am not near “retiring” I have been praying about a succession plan for our MCM children. This is simply a necessary, responsible next step. I do not know what the future holds, as the song goes, but I know Who holds the future! We are trusting God to move MCM-Uganda towards the dignity of increasing independence as the West decreases support. This “going solo” is practically unheard of in Uganda. We believe, following God, together with you, we can! Because really…God CAN do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! 

Please consider a gift towards the MCM Boda Taxi Program to make this BHAG a reality! A motorbike costs $1,500 and a (used) taxi car costs $8,500. Every gift, no matter how small, will move us closer to this crazy, impossible possibility. It is an honor to DREAM with you! 

Many blessings and much love ~ 

“mum” michele 🙂

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Newsletter Archives

June 2024: Mid-year Summary

December 2023: Year-end Summary

June 2023: Mid-year Summary

December 2022: Year-end Summary

July 2022: Mid-year Summary

December 2021: Year-end Summary

December 2020: Confronting the pandemic

June 2020: God’s Joy Library

December 2019: Joyful graduations!

June 2019: A welcoming village

December 2018: God adds rooms

December 2017: Water, chicken, pigs and “God’s Refuge”

December 2016: Blessings

June 2016: Firsts

December 2015: The Light is Out From Under the Basket

June 2015: Grateful for Growth

December 2014: MCM – First Year Progress