Bringing Dignity and Creating Jobs

Increasing self-sustainability is essential for our villagers’ dignity, ownership, and guarding against creating dependency. It is our goal that MCM – Uganda grows more each year in its ability to self-sustain through programs in farming.

MCM children learn self-reliance, practical skills and work ethic: Our kids, especially those who are housed with us because they have no family to take them in, are asked to help out with our agricultural projects. They take pride in contributing to, not just receiving from, MCM. In addition to the practical skills they gain, they learn the value and reward of hard work.

Support employment: MCM employs a number of adults from the village to take care of our on-site children and facilities and manage our agricultural endeavors.

Sharing our resources: Our agricultural projects provide food for on-site children and MCM staff, and are also available to assist local families in dire need.


Self-Sustaining Initiatives

MCM owns a fleet of boda (motorbike) taxis leased to local drivers. With this project, we are able to provide employment to drivers and transportation to villagers, as well as start something new: giving a primary school education to about 160 MORE children struggling with poverty.

MCM owns 4.8 acres of fertile land on which we have grown beans, Irish potatoes, sorghum and cabbage in season. 100 banana trees planted in January 2021 are expected to provide a harvest in early 2022.