Give Love and Hope

Please consider sponsoring Pauline

Complete the form below to initiate the process. Director Michele will be in touch with you to answer questions and complete the sponsorship setup. 

  • Birthdate: March 11, 2009
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: P.4
  • School: Mparo Mixed Primary School
  • Guardians: Serida Basoma (grandmother)
  • Village: Rutooma
  • Interview: March 2019 (Ivan)
  • Goal: Nurse
  • Favorite subject in school – English
  • Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs

Family History: Pauline’s father left the family years ago saying he found a job in the city as a builder. After he left he then started another family there. He has never come back again nor sent anything to help care for the children. Pauline’s mother brought the child to her grandmother when she was 18 months old and she has been with Serida since then. Pauline’s Mum stayed back at her ex husband’s place waiting and she comes once in a while to see the girl. Pauline has one younger sister who also stays with Serida her grandma.



    Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.