Give Love and Hope

Please consider sponsoring Rebecca A.

Complete the form below to initiate the process. Director Michele will be in touch with you to answer questions and complete the sponsorship setup. 

  • Birthdate: March 2, 2009
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Primary Six, P.6
  • School: Kihanga Girls Primary School
  • Guardians:  Emily Kyensi (auntie); Prossy Musiimenta (mum), Father unknown.
  • Village: Kanywero
  • Interview: February 2023 (Ivan)
  • Goal: Teacher
  • Favorite Bible verse: James 4:7
  • Siblings: None

Family History:

Rebecca’s mother, Prossy, suffers from mental illness so when her father died (long ago of unknown causes), her mother’s family took Rebecca to care for her. Prossy was not healthy enough to take care of her. Rebecca has been staying with her maternal Auntie Emily since she was little. Auntie Emily is a peasant farmer and has kids of her own that she is struggling to feed and care for in addition to Rebecca.

Rebecca A.


    Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.