
MCM owns 4.8 acres of fertile land on which we have grown beans, Irish potatoes, sorghum and cabbage in season. 100 banana trees planted in January 2021 are now producing a regular harvest. 

“Matoke” (green banana mash) is a staple carbohydrate for families in our villages.

Matoke (green banana mash) is a staple carbohydrate, here being prepared for our Graduation Party!

Ishmael’s Story

When Ishmael, as a young boy, lost both his mother and his father he was bought to live with his Auntie. MCM began helping Ishmael when he was fourteen years old. He was one of the first children on our program sponsored by the Green family in 2013 .

After completing Primary and Secondary schools Ishmael chose to study Agricultural and Animal Husbandry at vocational school. To our delight when he returned home on school breaks Ishmael offered to do farm work for the MCM organization. He taught us some of the new farming methods he had learned at school. Our potato harvest sang Ishmael’s praises! Not only did MCM earn profit from the farming but we believe God is going to use Ishmael to bring change to his family and community with the skills he is learning.

Ironically on the American side, Ishmael’s sponsors Jim and Shelly Green are also very involved in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in the city of Detroit. In 2010 Jim began buying abandoned homes surrounding his factory, converted them to farmland and began urban farming – fresh produce raised by and for local residents. Jim also began raising chickens, cows, goats, sheep and other farm animals in unused areas of his factory so children in Detroit could participate in 4-H club. The Green’s ministry is called Pingree Farms and you can get a closer look at the differences Jim and Shelly Green are making in Detroit at