Since 2014 MCM has been breeding, raising and selling pigs. In our years of having the piggery over 120 piglets have been sold for profit or given away to MCM families.
This program provides high-quality nutrition to families, income for MCM and employment for our piggery caretaker.
Sheila was the very first child sponsored with MCM in April 2013 at the age of seven years old. Sheila lost her father when she was three and her mother, Auntie Kate, was left with four children to raise alone. Auntie Kate is a hard working farmer but even the hardest workers are unable to afford both food and school fees unless they own the land themselves.
When Sheila was eight her sponsor Maggie decided to give a special gift – a tiny piglet. Maggie was an Arizona rancher herself. Sheila fell in love with that piglet and took excellent care of it as he grew. Two years later with money to purchase whatever she wanted, Sheila bought another piglet. She and her two older brothers built this pig a stall and Sheila was in charge of all its care. Again, her animal husbandry skills grew, Sheila was a natural.
During COVID lockdown we learned Sheila, now 15, had expanded her animal care to include chickens, goats and rabbits. Because Maggie believed in Sheila to learn these skills, and because Sheila was a hard worker and learned animal care well from her Mum, she gained a small income! This blesses her family and gives her the confidence and hope someday she may be blessing her village as well.