Give Love and Hope

Please consider sponsoring Faith A.

Complete the form below to initiate the process. Director Michele will be in touch with you to answer questions and complete the sponsorship setup. 

  • Birthdate: November 5, 2014
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Primary Three, P.3
  • School: Kihanga Girls Primary School – KGPS
  • Guardians: Sam Akampurira (uncle), Fiona (mum- deceased), Julius Muhangi (father rejected)
  • Village: Kangondo
  • Interview: April 2022 (Godwin)…May 2024 (Ivan)
  • Goal: Nurse
  • Siblings: Uncle Sam has two younger children, Faith’s actual step-siblings – 2 older

Family History: Faith’s mother, Fiona, passed away in 2018 when Faith was 4 years old. Fiona died under strange circumstances as she fell sick, died and no diagnosis was ever found. Foul play (poisoning?) was suspected, especially because Fiona was the younger wife and the older wife was against being in a polygamous marriage. The older stepmother did not want Faith to stay with them so Faith was sent away to live with her Uncle Sam who has a wife and children of his own.

Faith A.


    Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.