Please consider sponsoring Rebecca K.
Complete the form below to initiate the process. Director Michele will be in touch with you to answer questions and complete the sponsorship setup.
Family History: Rebecca’s father and the mother died of AIDS 2 years apart from each other. Rebecca’s grandfather went to her village and brought Rebecca and her sister, Tracy, back to his village because they were left in their house alone.
When their grandfather became too old and sickly to care for the girls, they went to stay with their Auntie Peace. However, recently she was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus and cannot work anymore to provide for them.
The orphan sisters did not attend school in 2022 because of lacking fees. They also did not attend school in 2020 and 2021 because of COVID Lockdown. These sisters were a part of the MCM Boda Program for 2023 school fees. We are now hoping for sponsors to encourage & bless these girls in their difficult circumstances.
2020 & 2021 – COVID lockdown
2022 – no school fees, home
2023 – MCM boda program @ Rwamucucu PS – P. 5
Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.