Give Love and Hope

Please consider sponsoring Ronah T..

Complete the form below to initiate the process. Director Michele will be in touch with you to answer questions and complete the sponsorship setup. 

  • Birthdate: July 6, 2007
  • Gender: Male
  • Class: Primary Six, P.6
  • School: Kihanga Girls Primary School, KGPS
  • Guardians: Winter Tibikyimpenda (father), Rodah Nyinomugisha (mother deceased)
  • Village: Nyarurambi
  • Interview: August 2023 (Ivan)
  • Goal: Midwife
  • Favorite Bible verse and story: The story of Saul becoming Paul
Family History: Ronah’s mother, Rodah, passed on during delivery of her little sister in 2013. Ronah’s elder brother sent the family out of their house to protect them from their drunk father, Winter. In his drunkness, Winter also attempted to take away the house their late mother had built. They moved to stay with the Winter’s sister and that is where the family is now. Winter is a farmer but makes little, most of which he drinks so there is no money left for school tuition which is why although Ronah is 18 she is only in Primary Six.

Ronah T.


    Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.