Please consider sponsoring Ruth
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Family History: Ruth’s mother (Editor Musiimenta) has Schizophrenia. She has always left home when she gets sick and disappears without anyone knowing where she goes. During one of these periods, it is said she was raped and got pregnant with Ruth. The father is not known. Relatives (Auntie Salome) now take Ruth from Editor when she falls sick and hide her because the child starves during such periods. When Editor gets back to her senses, she somehow finds Ruth and takes her back. The village leaders have nowhere to put the child but with her relatives who live near Ruth’s Mum Editor.
**MCM was given permission, instead, to board Ruth at Child Africa Primary School where she now has regular meals, schooling and a safe place to live.
Mountain Children’s Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Annual giving statements verify your sponsorship contributions when claiming this tax deduction on annual income tax filings.