Dear Friends of Mountain Children’s Ministry

This week I was sickened to learn that the Leadership Council of our village came to MCM’s Executive Director, Ivan, and reported many families with children on our program were going without food. COVID 19 and subsequent government lockdown of public transport of food as well as resulting escalating food prices has our families trapped and hungry. In addition, unemployment from lockdown prevents our working villagers from earning a living. MCM began to disperse gifts of food Sunday June 14. Older MCM teens, following social distancing precautions and wearing masks, carried food to families and single elderly villagers through Monday June 15. Please see photos below.

$5,000.00 will feed our families for a month. We responsibly believe we need to plan for three months. We desperately need $15,000.00 at this time. In this unprecedented crisis, will you please consider helping?

Call Michele at 630-606-3165 or e-mail at

Those who can give please either go to our website: and give with PayPal or by check

No gift is too small. Please pray for our children.

Thank you so much for listening,

Blessings, michele