MCM Covid Thank-You!!

Dear Friends of MCM ~
A week ago we sent out an urgent request for the families on our MCM program who were, because of government lockdowns, going without food. We have never had such an immediate need and WOW! we were amazed by God’s faithfulness and the generosity and kindness of your response!

We have met (and exceeded) our goal of $15,000.00!! Thank you so much to every one of you who so quickly and lovingly sacrificed during this pandemic and your own personal hardships to help our families in Uganda! Words fail to express how grateful we are to you and to our good God.

Please join us in praying for wisdom as the Ugandan government lockdown of food markets, food companies, churches, factories, schools, restaurants, borders and the airport was extended this Tuesday into July. We were grateful that the President finally opened up public transport, however, we need the food companies and markets to also open. Until they do, we need much wisdom to move into the future with COVID, hunger and our families.

At this writing we can feed 120 families for 8 more weeks (9 weeks total)… YAY GOD! YAY YOU! We cannot thank you enough! Well, we could try, but I might take up the rest of your day!

Please follow our COVID updates on Instagram – #mcmkabale
and on Facebook – mountainchildrensministry

We are blessed to have two new college graduates in marketing volunteering to
help us post more about what is happening!! Welcome Makayla and Alexa!
Add another Thank God!!

Many blessings to all of you ~ may you feel God’s smile and peace
love ~