Give Us This Day…

This morning the kids and I were up early as usual on weekdays getting everyone ready for school. The kids each take 4 slices of bread every day with peanut butter and eat one sandwich for breakfast then the second at break. This is a luxury Ivan allows when I am in Uganda as heaven forbid the American (me) not have her bread. This morning Joshua attempted to take more bread than he was allowed. One of his siblings ratted him out and I was forced to ask him to return the bread. He knew. I kissed a sad face goodbye and the Lord’s Prayer popped into my mind as he made his way down the mountain. Give us this day our daily bread. Joshua is turning 13 in a few weeks. Teenagers can eat, especially boys!! And we are rationing bread here in Uganda. Ironically Josh’s sponsor Rowena runs a food bank. Just a few weeks ago she was given over 100 loaves of bread from the local grocery store. All bound for the dumpster before she collected them for the poor in her area. Please thank God that you can feed your children the very basics like bread today. In the village here, many children will go without even one slice of bread.